But it is those (unspoken) details that determine how much blame the Watchtower should accept and sadly the degree to which you too may not have exercised enough caution.
This was the comment I was refering to.
from the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
But it is those (unspoken) details that determine how much blame the Watchtower should accept and sadly the degree to which you too may not have exercised enough caution.
This was the comment I was refering to.
from the mouth of one of the special pioneers assigned tour congregation:.
at least 300 have been terminated from the us bethel branch in the first month of 2008, and she expects the number to increase.
paraphrasing other comments:.
You moan that Outlaw just insinuated that you are a child molester, and say that people that agree with him should feel shame. Maybe so....!
But you have just implied that mcsemike was a negligent father and is r esponsible for his daughters abuse. I think that you also need to apologize and feel shame. Hypocrisy like this is why I left the JW’s.
Think that it has all gone a bit off topic……?
i have become aware since being on jwd that many of us who converted to jw's as adults suffer from feelings of guilt and self-recrimination for being so badly deceived.
i for one sometimes have the desire to punish myself for becoming a jw, being instrumental in my son being in their clutches, and the pain that is caused by it all.
i have started to read "releasing the bonds" by steven hassan and i hope and pray that in time i will be more able to help my family leave the jw cult.
Great post Maddie. Sounds like an interesting book…
The nicest thing about all of that information is, despite the fact that we were all in it at some point, we must have had something in order to see it for what it is and leave. I agree that cults can prey on the vulnerable and insecurity within people, so therefore it must also be true that people that see through a cult and conscientiously leave it must have an inner strength that is missing from those that keep on believing in it.
Perhaps we are not as weak minded as we thought…
and petrified... i just recently became a pioneer and always had nagging questions in the back of my mind.
so, i decided that when i have get a study i would research all the questions as i go along so as to prove everything in the truth... i got 4 studies in about 2 months.
all was fine, until i reached i think chapter 6 in the bible teach book about the resurrection.
Hi Cognac
Been quite a night for you hasn’t it….?
Just wanted to say hello. Like has been said, you might be in for some difficult times ahead with regards to your faith. I am sorry that you are going to have to go through it.
It is better the other side of it though. But as the others have said, just take your time and try not to let it overwhelm you too much.
My thoughts are with you over the coming days, weeks and months.
Wishing you the best……
Take care of yourself.
PS You might at some point bump into a “big hollow”. Don’t worry. That is perfectly normal. Good luck
it's my first jwd birthday today and i just wanted to say a hug thank you to everyone on this board.. i am so glad i joined here, looking back over the last year i know i've come a long way.
i started out here knowing it wasnt the truth but not sure where to go or what to do.
throughout this year i've learnt so much about myself and feel i am finally being the person i want to be.
Happy birthday Chaka.
just need to vent.... over the weekend, i let my 9yr old son go visit his dad and then he had to be back home to spend x-mas eve & x-mas day with me.
so anyway...i call to talk to my son on his cell and he tells me he is at a friend's house playing with his two cousins.
now the two cousins are my sister's kids and they live in atlanta.
Man that is crap. I feel so angry for you. It is those kind of stories that just PISS ME OFF!
another jwd member has helped me with making the pdf version of google's scan of the finished mystery (1918 edition) searchable.
i've added bookmarks and a section on the pages that were cut from the 1917 edition to the file as well.
for those interested, it can be downloaded from this filesharing site:.
Thanks cabasilas
I have wanted to read this for a long time. Your work is much appreciated.
I award you 2 stars.**
for those of you that dont know me, i am a single dad with 3 boys for 5 years now, my x signed her rights away long ago.. .
no support ever, no insurance, even before she signed her rights away, many long stories of her abuse that caused her to lose custody to me years ago, she has never dealt with her abuse over even acknowledged it, i put my kids thru years of counseling, and they do not wish to see her, she has been calling alot lately, i dont hear from her for maybe 4 months at a time, she is crying , wanting to try to see them.. i must tell you she has , mentally , physically, and mentally sexually abused them, and then charged me with sexual abuse, with which it took me a year in evaluations, and family studies , and 35,000 in lawyer fees to disprove, and the judge saw her lies and removed them from her for abuse.
i also believe she has many emotional problems , both real and imagined.
I have seen personally a case similar to yours where the father got the custody of the children because his wife was an alcoholic.
Being that he was brought up in care, he thought that it would be a good thing for the children to see their mother. I could see that it didn’t do them any good at all. She continued to show disrespect while around them, getting very drunk while they were in her care, to the point where the children looked after her while visiting.
I don’t know your case personally but that case I did, and it did no good to the children at all, though I did understand why he wanted his children to see their mum.
Hope this helps.
P.S. I still didn’t view him as a bad dad despite his decision.
my younger brother tried to kill himself today.
i am sick inside....sicker then i ever thought possible.
my mother told me the news in the cruelest of ways and i am now in a fog.. i blame the jw's and all the bullshit they put on children who are df.
Nothing more I can say that hasn’t already been said.
Feeling for you right now.
Sorry also for everyone else that has come into contact with this terrible thing. Heart goes out to all of you.
i am very interested in listening to any recordings of jcs,.
recent or old.
have any been posted in the past, or does.
Hi inkling,
I have one that I could send you via email if you wanted it. PM me your address if you are interested. Be quick. Off to bed-E-byes soon.